Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reveal the goddess in you

Last night was full of crying, waking up, restless sleep, and all-around crankiness. And that was just me.

Corbin has been teething lately. Bad. And he's congested. And he has a pimple on his chin (clearly from the stress of it all). It seems to effect him most at night and naps. Hence why I haven't written lately. It seems like nothing makes the poor guy happy, including me. I've actually been on one long consecutive attempt to lessen his unhappiness for the past three days now. Which, coincidentally, is how many days I've been trying to fix our idiotic computer so I can begin the looong process of burning all of Corbin's home movies to DVD.

All. Five. Months.

In other news, Corbin has been hitting some pretty monumental milestones lately.

1. Rolling Over
I thought he'd never roll over.  I thought he'd be 16 years old and still crying for me to come roll him off the couch.  But Corbin can now roll back-to-tummy, which is great.  The not-so-great part is he can't roll back.  Which means I am rolling a baby back 367,836,741 times a day. If he could just figure out how to get over that arm!

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back...

2. "Ma Ma"
As much as I'd love to shout from the roof top that Corbin is now saying "mama," I can't really give him that much credit...yet.  He has discovered the /m/ everything is now "muh" and "mah." But for as much as I go through for this boy, his first real word better dang well be "mama!"  That's all I got to say about that.

My Little Genius

3. Playing the Drums
Move over, [insert popular drummer's name here], Corbin Oliver is the next animal!  Actually, if he wants to be a drummer in a rock band, he might want to consider changing his name from Corbin Oliver to something less...I dunno...concert violinist-y.  

But really.  This weekend my dad, who actually is a drummer (although "Randell Eugene" sounds more trombone-ish to me), sat Corbin on his lap and showed him how to hit each drum and symbol.  Then he handed Corbin a drum stick, and wouldn't you know the boy actually, really, not making-this-up hit the drums like my dad had showed him.  For fifteen minutes.  That's like, 5 hours for a baby.  Not once did he try to put the drum stick in his mouth...okay maybe once...but really, he really was concentrating on the task at hand!  We got it on video so we have documented proof, too.

 As for me, I've rediscovered my love for Pinterest lately. I quit for a while when I went on leave from teaching.  It kind of made me school-sick to see all the super fantastic pins my teacher friends were gallivanting about. So right now, I'm all into new recipes and Christmas-y stuff. Because, let's be honest, fall holidays are just there to bridge the gap between summer and Christmas. Why else would stores put out Christmas stuff in September!? Deeerrr!

Oh, and thank goodness Pinterest has an android app now. I find snippets of pinning time now-and-then, mostly during the insulting amount of time that teething tablets actually work. I thought about following Josh's cues and taking a 45 minute "office break" in the loo, but then I remembered... Oh snap! I'm a mom.
But in-between the crying (Corbin's, not mine), fuss bucket attitude (again, Corbin's), and entertaining my suddenly opinionated boy (where did the good ole days of staring at the ceiling fan for hours go!!??) I have been enjoying this autumn season. My house smells like soup (thanks, Pinterest!) and I can't wait to put out all my fall decorations! I have to admit, I'm feeling a bit domesticated goddess-y.

...if goddesses were sleep deprived and sported 3-day-old pony tails. Ya know, the ones with teething babies.

Anyone else want to sing the Venus razor jingle whenever you hear the word "goddess?"

I'm your Venus...I'm your fire...your desire...

In the end, motherhood has this way of duping women into continuing with all this cruel and unusual torture...the kind which makes childless women cringe and want to fry their eggs for breakfast. It's called this:


  1. Awww, so cute! I hope his teeth come in soon and you get some sleep!

    1. Remarkably he's been doing better the past couple nights. I did some semi cry it my to me in bed...while I hugged and kissed him. Ok, so it was more just plain crying than crying it out. It was more like toughing it out because I refused to give him his midnight 2 oz snack. Whatever it is, its working. Lol

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I let him wear it all day its so cute. :)
