Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I can't feel my fingers

I'm aliiiiive! I feel like I've been in hiatus a while. There's been a whole mess of events going on in my life. None of which are terribly demanding or outrageous, but staying home all day, everyday, makes the little things count.

Like going to the mailbox.  Am I the only one who sees if there's anything interesting, then puts the bills and junk back in? Gotta give Josh something to look forward to at the end of the day.

But anyhoo...

So, we had this little cold snap here in Tennessee. We went from 80's to 50's and suddenly everyone is busting out the hoodies and ugg boots. I, myself, have a giant bookcase blocking the closet door where my hoodies and ugg knock-offs are stored, so I just wore my 80 degree attire and made fun of those people all snug in their warm clothes. Because, after all, people in the northern states probably laugh at us just as much for wearing thermal underwear in the 50's as they do for us shutting down school for a chance of snow.  Regardless, I still froze my butt off.

Speaking of yanks, my good friend, Brittani, aka the southern yankee, came to visit us from New York. I got to hold her teeny baby which made my baby look like babyzilla (Where did my teeny bubs go?!). We had a little mini reunion on Sunday at Cracker Barrel. Between all the adults and kids and babies, there were 15 of us total for Cracker Barrel to squeeze into their dining room. At lunch time. On a Sunday afternoon. And between that and the inevitable spilt drink or two from the kiddy table, I'm sure they looked forward to us stuffing our faces and shuffling out the door. But during our time there, we had great conversation about things I don't remember because my child was being a wild tazmanian devil trying to pull everything off the table. And I was nodding and saying, "yeah...uh huh...oh...really?" but had no clue what they were saying because instead my ears were full of the melodramatic screams resulting from taking said items away from said child. By the way, if you want to know what to get Corbin for Christmas, make it drinking glasses. The boy does not hold his own bottle yet but will turn a glass up lickity split and dump ice all over his face!  It's hilarious.
Also this weekend, I made some squash for Corbin. FYI, one squash makes 18 jars of baby food. The boy will be pooping orange for the next two weeks. Thankfully, he loves squash. I mean, really loves it. He bangs the table and screams for more between bites. Then, when he finally gets a mouthful, smiles and squeals with joy. I do the same thing while waiting for more salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden, so I understand. Go ahead and picture it. Funny? And we're moving on...


Also in my household, it's been sick-pet-week. My yorkie, Sammy, has been yipping in pain whenever you touch his sides. So, I did what any responsible pet owner would do and wisked him to the vet... only to have the vet tell me he didn't know what was wrong and that I should take him home and monitor him for the next few days.

And this guy makes double what teachers make.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Smith. I don't know why Jim Bob is failing all subjects. Maybe you should just keep him home to watch and see if he spontaneously learns to read in the next few days. Mmmk - that'll be $45."

Sammy trying to squish on the glider with us.

So then two of my cats managed to get sick with a cold, which Google had me convinced was actually some sort of deadly disease. For a minute, I lost half my brain and considered taking them to the vet, but ultimately decided to take his previous advice and just wait it out. I found it quite humorous that my female cat was up running around and carrying on with business as usual, but my male cat was slumping around the house like he was just hit by a bus. Typical man.

But after two or three days of this slumping, I started getting worried because he wasn't eating or drinking much. So off I went to Walmart to buy some pedialyte to choke down him. While there, I found a photo album to put 160 of my 500 recent pictures of Corbin in, a teething toy for Lil Guy, and some delicious lollipops for dear husband and me. At check out, the cashier smiled and said, "Aw, you have a sick lil one at home, huh?"

 For those who personally know me, you might remember the embarrassment of me having to buy incontinence pads for my leg-hiking-dog's belly bands, and having to stare the cashier in the wondering eye and explain, "No, I did not mean to buy Always pads. Yes, I realize those are incontinence pads. No, they're not for me. They're for my dog. Yes, my dog. He wears a diaper because he pees everywhere. Thank you, have a nice day," every stinkin' time I checked out. If you do, you'll understand why the next thing out of my mouth was not, "No, this is for my cat."

Instead, I just smiled and asked, "Yeah, how'd you know?" She smiled back and said, "Poor guy. Well I hope he feels better."

And I felt no shame.

So in between all that, I ordered my handsome boy some wintry clothes. In size 9 months.  *sniff sniff tear*

Love me some Carter's

Moved the bookcase that was blocking my winter closet just in time for 80 degree temps to return...

Preggo sweater from last year.  You gotta do what you gotta do.
 Decorated my house for fall...

And bought Corbin this adorable hat. I could smother him in chocolate and eat him up!!!

Nom Nom Baby Yumminess!

Ok. Blog overload. My hand is going numb, as is your brain I assume. So until next time...

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