Monday, October 22, 2012

Pinterest Harlot

I've been a total Pinterest whore lately. Wait, can I say whore? Okay, Pinterest Lady of the Night. My husband approves because I try new recipes and, what can I say, the man loves to eat.

Tastey tastey

I approve because I get to try all these new crafty crafts from Jo Ann and Dollar Tree finds!

These are the crafts I intend to make in the near future:

Canvas Art

"Family" Frames

And this is the craft I'm currently crafting:

Coffee Filter Rose Wreath

I'm actually a little obsessed with making these roses. Once I got the hang of it, I found myself explaining the steps for a You Tube my head.

 ...okay maybe a little bit out of my head...while I was home alone...and Corbin was sleeping. But I totally sounded legit.

I'm attempting to redecorate my living room. I really want to paint [again] because I'm tired of the blue, but Josh isn't thrilled about the 257 foot ceilings we have. I don't really know how tall they are. But 257 would be my guess. 

Or 16. Whatever.

I'm also trying to get ideas for Corbin's 6 month pictures coming up. I have the worst luck with pictures. I always look like a demented porcelain doll. I seriously hate having my picture taken. And to make matters worse, I'm totally insecure about my post baby body, pastey skin, and drab hair. I'm thinking of getting a spray tan and fake eye lashes for this set of pictures...but that might make me look like a demented porcelain oompa loopa doll.

Or totally hot. 
and now to get that image out of your head, here's Corbin!


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