Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blogging or Showering? Well, duh.

So pretty much I've been dealing with a fuss pot the last couple of days and nights... And somehow blogging didn't get scratched off my to-do list. Well, neither did a shower but that's beside the point. Oh well... Gives my collection of houseflies something to do.

The night before last I was up with Corbin from about 11-3:30 am.  No, we weren't partying like rock stars. I was dealing with uncontrollable crying from an overly tired, hysterical baby. Oh, and Corbin was teething, too.

Did you know Tylenol, teething tablets, and gas drops are rendered ineffective by the wee morning hours? Somebody should really put that on the label.

Fuss Pot
 Anyhoo, the next day he was a scroogy butt and decided nothing I did was good enough. Except make bananas for lunch. He seriously enjoys some 'nanners.

1 Sweet Potato = 11 jars of baby food

I did manage to get my Baby Bullet out for the first time yesterday! I am in love with the thing! I made four jars of baby food from one banana! I'm skipping cereal for now because it is pointless. He already knows how to eat off a spoon and cereal hurts his stomach. So far, bananas have been an absolute hit with no allergic reactions (yay).  Next week I am starting sweet potatoes. I love how the BB has a cookbook that gives you a list of which foods to try first. Not to mention it is almost as cute as Corbin Oliver, with all the smiley faces and what not. Actually, yesterday, I probably would've picked the Baby Bullet over C Man.
I'm kiiiiiidding...ish.

His initial reaction to sweet potatoes? You tell me :)
So yeah, I totally caved on waiting til 6 months to start baby food.

Last night was a little better. After his bath, Corbin rolled around on the floor naked for 15 minutes. It was hilarious. He was kicking his little short legs and shaking his little bubble butt, exposing his lil man bits... And we got it all on camera for future blackmail.
Can't roll back for that silly arm!

Today has been a better kind of day. Planting some mums... making some soup... planning my future Christmas projects on Pinterest... rocking my baby to sleep... It's the kind of day that makes up for the last two. The kind of day that makes me dread going back to work. The kind that makes me sad that Corbin is growing up so fast and eating baby food and rolling over already. The kind of uneventful day that I'll always want to remember but probably won't.

It's bittersweet.

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