Thursday, October 18, 2012

But wait, call now and we'll DOUBLE your order!

Yes, today is a twoferone... because technically the last post was written yesterday, but I was so busy cleaning and taking care of C Man, that I literally did not have time to sit down at my computer to publish it.

So now I'm writing this today.

Yesterday, as you might have read, was a terrible, no good, very bad sort of day. Well, mostly.  Corbin was teething X infinity and was not happy unless I was holding him whilst my finger got gnawed away in his mouth.  Even then, it was more a mild tolerance than actual happiness.  So I did what any independent, self-sufficient, modern day mom would do.

I called my mommy.

Seriously, sometimes you just need a break.  Yesterday, I was about to go batty.  Call it exhaustion, call it OCD, Type A, whatever, but my house was a hot mess and I hadn't showered or eaten much more than leftover baby sitting cookies in the past two days.  So, my mom entertained Corbin (who not-surprisingly acted like a perfectly jolly little gnome the whole time she was here), while I attacked the brigade of dust bunnies that set up colony in every corner of my living room.

I also swept up 7 dead flies.  RIP Edward, Bella, Jacob, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett.

I did manage to get on Pinterest and repin about 1,529 awesome ideas.  I also repinned a lot of my older pins to new boards because organization is my version of a hot bubble bath.  It soothes me.  So if you're following me on Pinterest, I apologize for the overwhelming number of repins yesterday.  Actually, I don't, because they're steller and you should check them out.

And I made this little gem that I found on Pinterest.  It was amazing, and only required me to chop up the potatoes, throw them in a dish with chicken and green beans, sprinkle with seasoning, drown in butter, then cook for 1 hour at 350 degrees.

So there you have today's bonus post.  I vow today will be better, partially because I'm going to eat something other than coffee and cookies, partially because Corbin is feeling better, but mostly just because I got a shower.

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