Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dashing Through the Snow... crazy 80 degree Tennessee October weather...

  Yes. I am that person who starts singing Christmas songs in October. Do not ride in the car with me until after Thanksgiving!

[previously written due to very cranky baby who wouldn't let me finish...]
What am I doing at this very moment? Well a fly on the wall might say I'm lying in bed at 11:45 am, playing on my phone. But if you get your information from flies, or worse yet, talk to flies (although I have started to name each of my winged friends who have taken up residency in my house), you wouldn't realize what I'm actually doing is being a human security blanket for Corbin, who is still fighting the battle of the toofies. Something about the sound of the mother's heart beat (and the comfort of the boobies) makes babies go into instant relaxation mode. And though my arm is numb from the weight of his head, I still managed to work my little dead philanges enough to reorganize my pinterest Christmas boards...

My arm was dead from the weight of the adorableness

So, in the past week, not a lot has occurred. I did some baby sitting for my friend and discovered that having two kids can be both easier and more difficult. It was hard to give both attention, keep both occupied, and get anywhere on time (who am I kidding? We were 15-20 minutes late every where!). But, it was easier because I had a sweet little man-child following me around, offering to help make the bed, fold towels, and carry the diaper bag. Who needs a husband!? Really, these boys are the best! God knew what He was doing by giving me a son. And no, I didn't just implement child labor the whole time I baby sat. We painted, baked, played Mario Kart, and went to the park. You know, general awesomeness. So stop judging, Judgey McJudgerson.

Future  Van Gogh


My Sous Chef

On the subject of Things-People-Question-About-Me-But-I-Don't-Care-Because-I'm-Right-End-of-Story , I'm slowly progressing toward my goal of moving Corbin out of my room and into his crib. My original goal was 6 months, buuuuut in 3 days he will be precisely 1/2 a year old (can you believe it!?!?), so it looks like it may take slightly longer. I did finally set up the Pack 'N' Play I have been meaning to get out but forgot every time for the past 6 months. Even though my petite pal still technically fits in his bassinet, I'm afraid he will catapult himself out during one of his early morning Olympic routines.  So, he's now in the big Mac Daddy of play yards... our room.

But wait! It's not as bad as it sounds. See, first the bassinet was up against my side of the bed, by my face, so close I could hear his thoughts. Then I pushed it down toward the foot of the bed, still my side. Then I moved it all the way at the end of the bed. Now he's against the wall ALL the way on the other side of our 13X15' bedroom. According to my calculations, at this rate, he will be in his room by the time he enters kindergarten.

Okay whatever.

If you had something this adorbs, you'd want him with you all the time, too!

Cuddles with mommy

Rolling Around in, green out...

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