Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy 1/2 Birthday to My Baby!!!

On October 20th my sweet baby boy turned 6 months. I haven't been the dedicated blogger mommy I should've been, so this will be my first official monthly update. I think I can handle every 6 months.

*drum roll please*

At six months, Corbin can:
  • Roll both ways
  • Sit-up unsupported...for a minute or two
  • Hold his own bottle (though most of it winds up on his shirt)
  • Say "mama" and "ba"
  • Play"peek-a-boo"
"drinking" from his sippy

He wears:
  • Size 3 diapers
  • 3-6/6 month clothes
  • Size 2 shoes
His stats:
  • 17 lbs, 26 inches
Chubby Cheeks!!!
He loves:
  • Mommy
  • Squash
  • His glow worm
  • Mommy
  • His jumperoo
  • The pets
  • Sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed
  • Apple flavored puffs
  • Kabuto (the show, not the food. REALLY PEOPLE!)
  • Mommy
I apologize to future girlfriends for the mama boy I'm raising...he he

Glow Worm

Despite the terrorized look on his face, he really does love kisses!
 Interesting tidbits:
  • Sleeps 9-5 
  • Takes 2-3 1-hourish naps a day
  • Chews on everything (if it fits, he spits)
  • No toofies yet
  • Can finally reach the floor in his jumperoo
  • Has grey/blue eyes and sandy colored hair
  • Likes to put his fingers in my mouth while he's taking a bottle

Corbin has the greatest personality. He can own a room.

He has moods when he's quiet and studious...

 ...and moods when he's silly, crazy, and my wild monkey man.

He laughs hysterically at all my faces and funny noises.

 I love early mornings when he's taken his first bottle and we just lay in bed. He will stare at my face and softly coo like a dove until he gets sleepy.

Who wouldn't love to wake up to this?!

Then, he will scrunch up to me and go back to sleep. Sometimes he will gently play with some of my hair or grab my face.

Sweet sleep

Either way, I feel loved unlike I've ever felt before.

And I've never loved another person so much.


Cue photo montage...I'm going to go cry now...