Friday, September 21, 2012

Nanner Nom Noms

I would be lying if I said I've never sat in front of the TV, shamelessly shoveling Cheetos into my face, while watching one of those Feed the Children infomercials. Without feeling a pinch of guilt. Well, not enough to make me stop sucking my orange fingers til they turned purple, anyway.

Recently, Corbin has started watching me eat. Like, really REALLY watching. He's also in that grab-everything-within-reach stage. If he's in my lap I have to be really careful because he would totally slip-n-slide his way into my chimichangas if I let him.

It started with drinking glasses. He has watched us so many times, he learned how to hold onto the glass and put his chubby little face to the rim and suck on it. Word to the wise: unless you sweeten your tea with baby drool (Maybe not a bad idea. Those sloppy kisses are mighty sweet.), I would highly suggest you finish your drink before allowing this. Gag.

Most recently, he has developed an affinity for forks and spoons. Today he sat motionless in his jumperoo (partially because he was fascinated, partially because he's still a shorty and can't reach the floor) while mommy ate her Lean Cuisine, all the while staring at me like he hadn't just downed a 6-ouncer two hours ago. He started smacking those little lips together like a toothless grandpa on tapioca day at the home. Seriously, between him and the dog, I might as well been eating in front of...well...a Feed the Children commercial.

Now I've said it a thousand times, "I'm not starting solids until he's 6 months old because that's what 'they' recommend." "They" never got the stare-down while trying to enjoy some microwave enchiladas for under 400 calories. I already planned on starting him on bananas and avocado first, and we just-so-happened to have one lone banana that had turned a wee bit too freckled for my palate. But hey, you know what they say about beggers.

I cut about a 2" section and mashed it up with a little water until it was soupy. I slapped a bib on that sweet thing and we got busy.

The first taste, honestly, confused him more than anything. He sat there with a perplexed look on his face and contemplated the cream-of-Chiquita soup I had just plopped on his tongue. Then it happened. Those little receptors on his tongue jolted alive with the intensity of an Easy Bake Oven on propane gas, and the next thing I knew...

He was crying.

Um...not the reaction I hoped for.

I was just about to take the slop back into the kitchen when he spotted it: the spoon. His eyes got huge and he started tensing up with excitement. Apparently, he wanted his first time tasting real food to be on his own accord, so, I handed him the little blue spoon.  He immediately squealed with delight and put it in his mouth.

Great. My child is a control freak.

And then he finished that entire bowl of 'nanners by himself. Ok, and with a little help from me. But really, he was very passionate. He grunted. He cried. He screamed with excitement. It was like a Spanish telenova. Only in baby babble.

I don't know if I'll make food a regular thing or not until he hits 6 months old. But at least I know he will tear up some bananas. Feast your eyes on the sweetness:

"I'm ready!"


Smacking his lips together


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