Thursday, September 27, 2012

My wish

I saw a fellow blogger at A Cup of Lindsey Jo write a grown-up list of things she wished for.  It got me thinking. So, I decided to be a lazy bones, and instead of trying to come up with my own idea for a blog today (and because I'm a lover of and sucker for lists), I will make a list of things I wish for.

Here goes.

1. More money. Wow, way to start off the list, Miss Greedy-Greed. No really. Staying home with Corbin means one income. Which means Josh has to work extra hard and extra long to make ends meet. I don't care that we've had to cut out luxuries such as eating out and cable tv. But I hate to see him stress and stare at the bank account on the computer screen and wonder how we will make it work. I hate finding his scratched out budgets with our income and outcomes not meeting up for the month. It makes me feel sad, and guilty and worrisome...which makes me feel bad because the Bible says we aren't supposed to worry (1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you).  See what Satan tries to do there?

2. Even more money. Shhhh quit judging. I would love to have enough money to be able to easily help out a friend in need. Buy someone's dinner randomly at the table behind me. Donate to a charity. Build a church a new building. Take a hobo to Olive Garden and buy him unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks. Or lasagna.  Just being able to do something nice and not worry if I will be able to buy gas or formula.

3. The ability to cook like Rachel Ray. Every night.

4. Cats that didn't pee everywhere and could be allowed onto carpeted areas of the house.  Ya know, normal cats.

5. The ability to nurse my baby exclusively. It would solve sooo many problems.

6. A remote control that would pause special moments or make Corbin grow up in slo-mo.

7. A fancy digital camera so I can take pictures of my beautiful baby on something other than my cell phone. Ya know, the ones with real lenses and real flashes and stuff.

8. A clone of myself so I could be Mrs. Brown the teacher and a stay-at-home mom for Corbin at the same time.

9. A talent. I really don't excel at any one thing. Sometimes I fantasize about someone needing a guitar player, or singer, or sewer, or baker, or photographer, or painter, and then wowing them with my best kept secret that nobody knew about because I had been perfecting it all these years. Or someone saying, "Oh yeah that's Brittney. She's such an amazing _________."

Egotistical, I know.

10. To be a better Christian. I really feel like I'm the "grown child who's still living in their parents' basement waiting for my internet business to take off" equivalent of a Christian. I have all these desires and good intentions but life always seems to gets in the way. And with the way society puts a negative spin on Christianity, I'm almost too timid to speak up because I don't feel like fighting the "all Christians are narrow-minded, backwards, and starchy" argument for the bazillionth time. I love God and try to live right, but I need more.

11. The 2012 Holiday Barbie. Just kidding...ish.

12. An ear-filter for negative people who rain on my parade or bring me down.

13. A mouth-filter for myself when I can't seem to keep negative words from jumping out of there.

14. An animal shelter on my own property, somewhere out in the country where I could take in all the cats and dogs that people wrongfully dump off. And a vet in the family to take care of them all.

15. Fat cells that forgot I ate pizza, cake, and ice cream this weekend.

Ok, there you have it.  I could probably go on and on and on. (In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little long-winded.) But I'll spare you the urge to unfollow my blog by wrapping this up, saying, I am so, so blessed. God has really had His hand over me. But I don't think there's a single person in the world who isn't in want of something. I just try to remember there is always someone who has it better than you and a lot who have it worse.

And now for some beautiful subject matter:


  1. Loved the list. And you can find that remote at Bed, Bath, and the Way Beyond section. :) On a side note, Corbin has to be one of the cutest little guys ever!


    1. Pshh... bb&b has everything. From robovacuums to life remote controls! I want both.

      I see you have a blog. I must add this to my list! :)

  2. You are a special person! I really enjoy reading your blog. Love it :)

    1. No, anonymous, YOU are a special person. Ha ha :) thank you!
