Monday, September 17, 2012

In the Beginning...

This is my husband (Josh) and me.  Well, sort of.  This is us pre-baby.  I just wanted to start off with a good first impression of what we used to look like. We met in 2005 at a summer job working in a hardware store.  I was 18, he was a wee 17.  Call me a cougar.

This would be our wedding day.  After 3.5 years of him begging me to be his girlfriend, I finally caved and we got married in 2008.  Ambitious, I know.

And this is us in our baby-faced adorableness.  Ahhh.

This is just me being awesome.

This is us faking how much we're in love.  No seriously, we really do love each other. So much that...

Bam.  Always practice safe sex, kiddos.  After 7 (yes, 7) pregnancy tests, and a growing belly, I convinced myself that I really was pregnant.  After 9 long months of morning all day sickness, swollen ankles, back pain, heart burn, varicose veins, low amniotic fluid, twice-weekly doctor appointments, and pre-eclampsia, I finally had the little booger evicted 3 weeks early.  The things I do for love. Then the best day of my life occurred...

...and baby makes three.  We welcomed Corbin Oliver Brown into the world April 20, 2012.

6 lbs 12.5 oz, 19 inches long. Perfect in every way.  I seriously felt my heart grow 3 sizes that day.  Like the Grinch.  Only I never tortured my dog.  Speaking of dogs...

This is our first born, Sammy.  We had him out of wedlock.  Sorry Lord, please forgive me.

And this is our family now.  Well, 2 months ago, anyway.  Corbin was 3 months old in this picture.  It was 200 degrees outside.  Please excuse my husband's rosy complexion.

This is the reason I am starting this blog.  This little smiling, squealing, giggling, happy boy.  This little boy has taught me I'm capable of loving beyond the confines of my heart.  I have been blessed with such an amazing opportunity to stay home with him for a whole year.  Before, I was an elementary teacher.  I was also a workaholic whose life revolved around me.  Now, I can't remember my life before him.  That's called baby brain.  Here's a photo to give you a glimpse of who I was prebaby...

And that, folks, pretty much brings you up to date.  Happy reading!

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