I am now the mama of a TODDLER. Somebody hold me, please.
Has his teddy bear and is ready for his check-up! |
Waiting the ridiculously long wait. Sheesh. |
Seriously, what's the point in the paper? | |
"Parents, please do not let children play with instruments." |
Really? So you put them WHERE?! |
I own this room. |
Yes, Corbin is now 1 year old. His birthday and party were last Saturday. I did my very best to not overwhelm myself and get so caught up in hosting that I couldn't enjoy myself. I'd say it was better than my wedding reception, but still not as "enjoyable" for me as I wish it had been. Hindsight is 20/20. Next year, rent the facility for longer than actually intended so we aren't shoving people out the door as they're shoving cake in their mouths. Just sayin'. Sorry y'all.
Anyway, I wanted to give a quick little update on my 12 month old (there, doesn't that sound better than 1 year old?).
At 12 months/1 year, Corbin...
- weighs 20.6 lbs.
- is 29 inches long
- is a peanut
- can fully walk
- points at everything
- follows simple commands, such as "go get _____."
- takes a sippy cup 2x a day
- takes a bottle for naps and bedtime
- drinks 15-20 oz of formula a day
- hates whole milk
- is tolerating sweet acidophilus milk
- sleeps 10-12 hours solid at night
- takes one 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon
- has 5 teeth
- likes to hold your hand and walk with you around the house
- wears 6-12 month clothing
- wears size 3 diapers
- wears size 3-4 shoes
- can drink from a straw
- is starting to feed himself with a baby fork
- loves scrambled eggs the most
- loves brooms
- loves, loves, LOVES playing in water
- HATES swinging and being forced to sit in hard plastic seats
- says "mama," "bye-bye," "hey," and "duck"
- can wave bye-bye
- knows to hold the phone to his ear to "talk"
- mimics everything I do
- throws temper tantrums when you shut a door he wanted to go through
- waves his hands around in the air when you tell him something is "shooey" or "stinky" or "yucky"
- likes to water the flowers with his little watering can
- likes to kill the flowers with his little shovel
- uses his crib mattress as a trampoline
- loves Veggies Tales and Blue's Clues
- "whispers" to himself while he plays
- is loving, cuddly, and affectionate
- is the apple of my eye
- is mine.
- all mine.
- forever.
- sorry, ladies.
- is very, very loved.

If you want to see more pictures from his party, check out my FB page or the previous post which links you to the birthday photo book I made on Shutterfly!
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