Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello old friend

It's been a while, has it not? I've been meaning to get back to this for a while. I don't know what keeps me from it. Maybe all the sharing on instagram and facebook has temporarily fulfilled my need to write. I tried keeping an e-journal for a while, but it just wasn't the same not being able to share it with the World Wide Web. So let this day mark the revival of my blog!

On New Year's...

2013 was a crap hole of a year for me. You know the saying, "When it rains, it pours?" Well, my version would be, "75% chance of drizzle every other day with a 90% chance of downpours every 2-4 weeks." I went through a lot in 2013. A. Lot. Some things were made pretty public. Others, not so much. But let's just say I was ready to skip on into 2014 with high hopes for sunny days.

Only problem is, just like the weather doesn't care if the calendar says "winter," by golly you can expect it to be 75 degrees on December 21st. That's just how it works. And last night (NYE), life/the universe/forces that be/whatever decided to go out with a bang. My beloved feline baby, Harley, suddenly and unexpectedly went into congestive heart failure and within 7 hours, was gone from my life forever. He was put down just after midnight on New Year's day 2014. To save this from becoming a whole post about Harley (and to save my eyes, sinuses, and head from another sobfest), let me just leave it at this. A college professor of mine once said:

"I truly believe some animals are put on this earth to be your pet equivalent of a soul mate. Most people love their pets and will be sad when they pass. But there are those that take up a special part of your life that, when theirs ends, leaves you with a void that must be grieved over. "

I couldn't agree more. Now moving on before the tears start rolling again...

So last year my resolution was to lose the rest of the baby weight. I guess that was one of those intermittent "sunny days" of 2013. I did lose the weight and then some. I took up running and ran my first and only 5k in "not-too-bad" timing. My running shoes are on hiatus for the winter, because, well, I just don't do freezing temps. Or 50 degrees. Or whatever makes me feel uncomfortable, actually.

2013 was a big year for Corbin, too. He learned to walk, talk, feed himself, turned 1, fell down concrete steps, got 4 hair cuts, grew into a full-fledged toddler, went to the dentist, and became my best little sidekick.

So, for 2014, I have a few ideas in mind for my "official" resolution. I would like to grow my hair long enough to donate to Pantene for cancer patients. I would like to settle into a clothing size/weight and stay there longer than two months. I would like to get more involved in my church and start reading my bible everyday... Even if it means listening to it read to me on my bible app. Of course, I also want to get back into running and do a couple 5k's for motivation.

I'd also love to make some resolutions for other people. But surprisingly, not many people are open to my suggestions. Oh well. Go ahead and vow to eat healthier or save money. You know you wanna.

Corbin had some resolutions, too. Okay, so they're my resolutions for him. I may not be able to pick them for other people, but being someone's mother kinda gives you that privilege. Especially when they don't even know they're being resolved to anything yet.

So for starters, potty training. We're starting there already. He goes in his potty when you set him on it. He claps when he tinkles. He even says "uh oh doe!" when he sprinkles on the seat. For those who don't speak Toddler-ese, that translates to a combination of "uh-oh" and "oh no!" More men could adapt that sentiment, if you ask me. But anyways, I would like to start hitting it hard around his birthday. I don't want to push it, though. So we'll see how that goes.

Another goal is to lose the paci. I try to keep it away during the day, but the little smarty pants has learned all my hiding places. I caved and bought him a new pack this weekend. Enjoy them, buddy, for you only have 4 months left then I'm cutting you off!

And lastly, my... er... I mean Corbin's resolution will be to turn 2, probably get a few more hair cuts, and just grow and do his thang. Seriously, this kid is so smart and amazing, pretty soon he'll be training me. He can already operate the dvd player better than his grandparents.

So, there you have it. 2014 has gotten off to a terrible, no-good, really bad start. My head is killing me from all the crying but I'm trying to remain thankful for all the good things I do have in life. And to refrain from a secondary post of all my thankfulness, I'll just hum you a tune from Katy Perry's "Roar" and you'll get the picture... Song... Sentiment. Whatever.

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