Thursday, June 13, 2013

So we meet again...

In case you haven't noticed, I get into a habit of updating regularly, then dropping off the face of the planet for a month. It's not that I don't enjoy blogging - I do. It's just that, as the saying goes, I have many rods in the fire. Wait... Is that right? Did I just make that up? Ha!

One thing I HAVE stuck with lately is diet and exercise! I'm officially BELOW my prepregnancy weight! Woop woop! I still have a way to go until my first goal, but eating clean (usually) and throwing in cardio 4 or 5 times a week has helped me drop several pounds. No big secret. Count my calories, eat whole foods, and workout. And when I say workout, please know I mean a 20 minute DVD or a walk/run. Nothing fancy. I don't have a desire to look perfect or have rippling abs. Because in order to keep those perfect abs, I'd have to workout insanely every day for the rest of my life! I settle for looking trim and tone and still having time to do other things. Like blog. At midnight.

Getting Fit!
I'm still rocking out the 1 am bedtime. Unfortunately there just aren't enough hours in the day. Corbin is into EVERYTHING these days, so I've been coming up with lots of activities to keep him busy/occupied. Sidewalk chalk had been a hit. Finger paints were surprisingly a dud. Water colors were fun because it included his favorite thing - water. He enjoys helping me prepare food and clean. If you need something thrown away or spoons put in the dishwasher, he's your man! Actually, he's mine. Get your own!

I intended to write a whole blog about our first family vacation... But *sigh* there just isn't much to write about. We went to Myrtle Beach and it rained 3 out of 5 days we were there. The few times we went out on the beach, Corbin wasn't a fan of the ocean. I think most little kids aren't. He did enjoy digging around in the sand. His favorite part was the outside kiddie wade pool! It was perfect for Corbin and the sprinklers and sprayers were extra exciting for him. He played so hard, he even took a nap poolside a couple of times! That does NOT normally happen. Ever.

Getting sleepy...


He slept through so much noise!

Beach baby!

Not so "shore" about the ocean. See what I did there?

Feeling brave (both of us!)

Miss it!

We had lots of swimming lessons in the inside pool while it was raining (which it did... a lot.). Corbin is a natural! He already has no issues having his face drenched in water. It didn't take him long to get the concept of kicking his legs. I want to keep up his lessons this summer... But that would require a pool. Hmmm... Anybody with a pool need a new best friend?!

This does not count.

Also new in my life, my sister will be visiting this summer from South Korea. She and her husband live there on base. I think she might be surprised at how much Corbin has grown and changed... Considering he was only 2 months old when she left! Hello! He went from newborn to toddler! Oh. Em. Gee.

Oh could I forget?!  The most traumatizing experience as a mother yet. Last week Corbin fell down two concrete stairs outside and face planted in concrete. I knew this would eventually happen once he started climbing stairs.  I turned my back to water the flowers for TWO SECONDS! Yeeeeeah... Not his (or my!) best moment. A week later, the bruising is almost gone and a little scar is left by his eye. No concussion or anything serious. THANK THE LORD! First of many, though, I'm sure!

The scene of the crime

At the doctor's office

The night after it happened!  UGH!

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

So that's pretty much what's new in my life. It's never dull around here. Boredom is not an option!

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