Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

It's midnight. Mother's day to be exact. This is my second mother's day, actually. I haven't really had time to reflect lately, what with being showered lavish gifts and adoration and all, so I thought now would be as good of a time as any. When I should be sleeping. Sleep shmeep.

Entering into my second year of motherhood, some things have changed, but at the same time, they remain the same. My heart still skips a beat when I see his smiling face every morning. Or when he runs around the house saying "quack quack" (or cluck cluck... We aren't really sure. ). Or when he grabs a book in one hand and shoves me to the rocking chair with the other. I still take in the smell of his hair (except when he's been outside sweating. P. U.) and the feel of his little body curled up to mine as I rock him to sleep. I still attack his face with kisses even though he now pushes my head away, usually because he's so focused on whatever it is he has discovered for the day. And I still love watching him grow and change every day.

Now a mother of a toddler, I can appreciate how big the world seems to Corbin. Everything is new and exciting. Unloading the dishwasher. A swiffer duster. The garden hose. Pushing buttons on EVERY CONCEIVABLE DEVICE. Yes, it comes with its own challenges (tantrums resulting from not getting to push aforementioned buttons?!), but the rewards are so much greater.

(if this poem is terrible it's because I did not intend on writing a poem. It just sorta happened so I went with it)

Little arms around my neck.
Resting his head on my shoulder.
Tugging my hand to get me to follow.
Turning back pages when the book is over.

Smiling because I made the right sound.
Or face or what he finds funny.
Laughing when I squeeze his knees.
Crying because he got an owie.

Plopping his butt in my lap on the couch.
Singing along when he should be sleeping.
Pointing out all of my freckles and moles.
Picking up rocks he thinks he'll be keeping.

Babble and chatter.
Determined bubble catcher.
Loves water and lunch time and then
Scrub-a-dub in the tub.
Book, bottle, and wubanub.
Just a few things I love about him!

Happy Mother's Day!

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