Friday, March 1, 2013


So today, yesterday, the other day (I told you I hardly had time to blog anymore!) I told you how Corbin had started standing on his own.  It wasn't for very long, but I was proud nonetheless.  Well I have an eager beaver who decided that standing wasn't enough and took a WHOLE STEP by himself!  It happened so fast that, of course, I didn't get a picture of it.  Insert: sad face.

So, here I am all excited and updating his baby book (which I've been awesome about, by the way), when I flip over to his growth page to write down the stats from his 9 month appointment.  I start looking back and realize something startling.  My child has been wearing the same size clothes and diapers since he was 6 months old.  He is now 10 months old.  The reason being? He only grew 1 inch and 1 1/2 pounds since he was 6 months old!  IS THIS NORMAL!?  I mean, he was never a big 6 month old.  So, does that mean he's a tiny little 10 month old?  IS MY CHILD GOING TO BE SHORT THE REST OF HIS LIFE!? 

Whew. Mama problems up in here.

You want to know what I decided wasn't a problem, though?  Corbin demolishing my house.  Seriously, I've just decided YOLO.  I call him Destructor for a reason. Mainly because he just can't seem to differentiate what's a toy and what isn't.  He's a little obsessed with sticks, rods, hairbrushes, remote controls, and pretty much anything he can use to beat various objects in my house.  He has learned that if he pulls hard enough on the curtains hanging from my back door (they're in place with a magnetic rod), the whole thing will fall and he can victoriously confiscate the rod and use it to beat the tables, door, cat, etc.  It's actually quite amusing.  Here is a picture of him conquering the curtains:

Actually, in this pic, he somehow managed to slide the bottom rod out without pulling the whole thing down.


That's all the adventures I have for today.  In case you forgot what I look like, here's a quick reminder:

Beauty at its finest.

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