Sunday, February 24, 2013

Valentine's Day and the resurrection of this blog

Um, okay.  So, pretty much I thought that nobody was really reading my blog, so I sort of lost interest for a while and stopped writing.  Then, out of no where, I get like 3 or 4 requests from people I hardly know asking if I'm alive or been abducted by aliens and such.


(this is gonna take a while)

Okay, so yeah.  It's been since mid-January since we last conversed.  Since then, I have left Corbin not once, but twice, to go on a date night with Josh.  I do recall that being one of my New Years Resolutions - one date night sans Corbino every month.  So far, I've held up to my word.  I really loved it and hated it at the same time.  Part of me felt completely void and empty.  All night I felt awkward - like as if I forgot to put on a bra.  Which, duh, I was missing my 18 pounds of warm, squishy hip augmentation!  But I feel bad to admit, at the same time, I sort of loved it.  Because for a few hours I wasn't toting around a diaper bag, baby, stroller, etc.  I didn't have to worry about how much time I had before the next feeding. I didn't have to guestimate just how much longer until we entered way-too-long-between-naps-because-my-child-doesn't-sleep-in-the-car meltdown mode.  But each time we pulled up in the driveway to pick him up, I was like an over-active hyper Labrador licking the window of the car door and pawing at the handle!  It is most definitely safe to say, I missed Cor more than he missed Mama.  Maybe I'm the one who needs to cry-it-out, hmmm?


Corbin turned 9 months January 20th!  He weighed 18.5 lbs (50%) and was 27 inches long (25%).  He has the gross motor skills of a 12 month old (according to the doctor) and is off the charts in adorability (according to everyone on the face of the planet, and if you don't agree with me, get off my blog!)


Valentine's day was fun.  I bought Corbin some balloons and a stuffed bear.  Corbin gave me a really cute Fossil watch.  Gah, I love that kid.  Oh yeah, and Josh was there too.  With flowers.  He's good.

 And here's some cute-baby-crack for those of you who reeeeally missed us and need your fix:


So lately my new obsession has been Pinterest.  Usually, I'll peruse the "humor" section of Pinterest for eCards and Grumpy Cat pictures when there's nothing interesting going on on Facebook or Instagram.  And then I'll pin, like, 5,000 funny pictures that I'm certain everyone wants needs to see.  Then I'll go back and delete a few because they were slightly off-color and that's not how I roll, yo.

Where was I going with this...? Oh yeah.

(Yes, I literally forgot my point.  Yes, I literally typed out my question to myself.)

ANYWAY.  I've been really into fashion/clothing again.  Once upon a time, I was trendy and stylish and looked like I walked straight up out of an American Eagle advertisement.  That was before pregnancy.  Before weight gain.  Before spit up, sitting on the floor, dinner time, bath time, and back-to-bed time.  Then I started realizing that I was rotating the same 3 or 4 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans weekend after weekend.  So, I started looking at outfit ideas on Pinterest and rediscovering my style, which, was no longer head-to-toe American Eagle.  From there, I started reading fashion blogs and discovering ways to work with what you have.  By that point, I was ready to shop.  Problem was, we had no money.  So, I decided to have myself a little cyber yard sale.  I took pictures of all my clothes and listed them on Facebook.  Within a week, all my stylish smaller-than-me friends were sporting a new American Eagle and NY&CO wardrobe, and I had money to buy new clothes! That, my friends, is called a win-win.

Here is an example of me conquering my fear of 1. skinny jeans and 2. colored breeches: 

Here I am on Valentine's day rocking an infinity scarf I knitted myself:

Here is Josh. He likes button-up shirts:

Corbin turns 10 months!  On February 20th (Or 19th.  Evidently my brain doesn't function anymore and I posted his 10 month stats on Facebook and Instagram a day early. Whatev.)

I don't know how much he weighs or how tall he is or all that jazz, but I can tell you he:

  • wears mostly 6-9 or 9 month clothes.  He's starting to venture into some 12 month territory.
  • can crawl, pull up, and walk with a walker or anything he can grab onto and push across the floor (laundry basket, dog, etc).
  • can stand momentarily on his own when feeling brave.
  • dislikes the feel of grass.
  • eats anything and everything you put in front of him.  Prefers carbs.
  • is starting to get a bit of a mullet.  Party in the back.
  • has two botton teeth and the workings of two top teeth.  
  • enjoys beating random objects around the house with a drum stick, hair brush, or remote control. 
  • is really growing a sense of humor.  Likes to laugh at me when I tell him "no."
  • is becoming a real little person.
  • is the most loved baby in the entire universe!


  1. Love the mint pants....and Corbin has to be one of my favorite kiddos!

    1. Thanks! He's my favorite too :)

      And I really hope 5 or 10 years from now I don't look back and wonder what in the world I was thinking wearing mint green pants!
