Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So Corbin has learned to crawl. He pretty much does the whole belly dragging thing, which is fine. I mean, thats normal. But instead of moving one leg then the other, he has decided tobreak the confines of conventional crawling and go for the inchworm style. Both knees in, butt up, stretch out. Sometimes, when he is really on the move for something  he looks like he is playing leap frog. It is adorable!

I kind of hate him being moble because that means he is into ev.er.y.thing! Today alone, he broke an ornament, got stuck under a table, and trapped the cat in her kitty cube by trying to join her. Then later he was in the kitchen with me while I made the world's fastest fudge and he got into the water bowl. I seriously sat him on one end of the kitchen, ran to pour my fudge in a dish, and before I could finish, he had water everywhere. So, being the young mother that I am, I gave him a dish of water and let him go to splashy town! There is nothing cuter than a baby in a diaper playing with bowls on the kitchen floor. I would have taken a picture but my phone was dead and I didn't get my fancy digital camera on Black Friday like I wanted. [INSERT: forlorn puppy face].

Broken ornament

Baby Jail!

Also today, Sammy growled at Corbin for the first time. Actually, he snapped at him, too. Not sure what happened there. I didn't see Corbin do anything, but I'm thinking it has to do with Sammy being leary of anyone touching his back end. It's one of those things where you want to get mad at the animal involved but really can't because they are instinctually reacting. But at the same time, of course I can't have our dog biting at Corbin. Sammy yelped when Josh touched his side but I felt all over and he never even winced. Just like when we paid the vet $45 to pet Sammy for 20 minutes...to find nothing.

Be friends

Other than that, it has pretty much been blah and lazy days for us since Josh went back to work. Being broke and having a car seat hating baby sort of puts a strain on your social life. Oh well, at least I have time with my little fraaaand ;)

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