Monday, January 14, 2013

Feline Found!

 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ. Philippians 4:6-7

I'm writing this with a cheerful heart!  Saturday (1/12/13) Josh and I made more flyers and decided to go door-to-door and ask surrounding neighborhoods if they had seen a big orange cat.  We actually only spoke with 3 people, because everyone else was so rude not to answer their doors!  No, really.  It's bad when you see them come to their window, shush their dog, or walk away.  Rudeness.  Anyway, one person said they had seen an orange cat, another said he fed the neighborhood strays and would keep an eye out, and the third said he had only seen his neighbor's cat.  Since so few people would actually talk to us, we proceeded to stick flyers on everyone's mailboxes.

After about 45 flyers, we ran out.  We were going to go home, but I told Josh I wanted to make a few more...just for one more neighborhood.  So we did, and I guess we were about on our second or third street when I [finally] got a call from a lady saying she just missed us, but she got our flyer and thought she had our cat under her house.


Apparently, the night before she was watching a movie alone and heard some "creature" saying "hewwooo" under her floor.  Scared, she called her husband, who told her to go open the door to their crawl space and let it out.  She was too afraid to, and decided to wait till morning when he got home.

So there we were, standing around these people's muddy yard (it had poured down rain all week), while Josh crawled around under their house.  Which was damp and had quite the collection of spiders.

Two glowing eyes and a panicked meow later, we found out their creature was actually Ginger!

Six days she had been trapped under their house.  Sunday afternoon, they opened the door for the cable guy and that's when she performed her disappearing act.  Six. Days.

How on earth did she survive six days without food and water?  Well, I'm not sure how she obtained food, unless he found a mouse.  She is quite thin now.

But water?  I'm pretty sure 2 or 3 days is the max to go without water. But remember the down pours?  Yep.  Those rainstorms I dreaded actually kept her alive.  Puddles from the flooding gave her enough water to stay hydrated all week.  Isn't God the awesomest? :)

I'm proud to report she is now safe and sound at home.  I'm so thankful God answered mine and the prayers of many family and friends for Ginger's return.  You never realize how much these little guys are a part of your family until they're gone!

So, even with all the disasters, tragedies, and epidemics going on in the world, God still cares about the little things.  He knows it's the little daily (or weekly) things that build our faith.  Isn't that awesome?

The guy who fed all the cats called us that night to report some "jerk" driving around the neighborhood and stealing our flyers.  I had to laugh because that jerk was my husband who felt compelled to take the flyers back lest people think we're still looking.  HA HA!

Round 1 of flyers
Corbin helping out with round 2
SHE'S HOME!!!  (and hungry!)
Happy to be home!

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