Saturday, December 15, 2012

Well, hello there!

Yes, yes. It's been a while. I get so little time to myself that I have to choose between working out and blogging. Clearly you see which one won. 

First of all, I'd like to express my deepest condolences to the families of the Connecticut school shooting. I have cried, and prayed, and cried some more. I've held my baby tight and felt my heart break thinking of the parents who would give their entire world to hold their babies again. Such an evil, evil world we are living in.

I have been really trying to find patience with lil dude as he goes through his developmentally scheduled separation anxiety. Oh yes, it's for real. And it's coming to a 7 month old near you. Corbin is now almost 8, yes EIGHT, months old and still will not let me out of his sight. Really. He must have some form of physical contact or his diapered butt is bumbling through the house looking for me. But that doesn't bother me as much as... 

The whining. 

"eh heh, eh heh, ehhhhhhhhh"

Parents, teachers, wives of husbands, you know what I'm talking about. But I deal. Why? Because it won't last long. He is in love with me and I've just come to accept this as his expression of affection.
Corbin, not Josh. Okay, Josh too. 

It really amazes me how much Corbin has grown and changed mentally lately. He plays games WITH me. Not just laughing in response to what I do. Last night we played a game on my bed where he crawled away as fast as he could, then I drug him back by his ankles. He would laugh hysterically, sit up, throw both hands straight up in the air, then fall back and wait in giggly anticipation for me to tickle him. 

It. Was. Friggin. Adorable. 

Word to the wise, however, use caution as Corbin got a little "rug" burn on his cheeks and nose from me pulling him - even though he was on soft sheets. 

Corbin also learned [from his cousin Autumn]  how to pull ornaments off the tree (the things a two year old likes to teach babies). I let him have a bit of freedom in that department since the tree isn't a permanent fixture. He also figured out that tissue paper is a riot when pulled out of gift bags and scattered on the floor. Those of you who receive a Christmas gift from me, I apologize in advance for the subpar wrapping. Just be glad there's anything left on the packages! :) 

Can I have one more?

This toy is really neat, mom!

Corbin got to open one present early...okay, two.  One was from my aunt, and the other was one that never quite made it under the tree. I'm a softy. If you are friends with me on facebook, you have seen the adorable video of my son laughing at a "Furreal Friends" puppy.  If you haven't seen it, shame on you.

Whatcha got there?

Ooooh, gimmie, gimmie!

Got anything else?

A puppy to torture!

Yes, he's wearing the same outfit.  Yes, he got both on the same day.  Yes, he played with each one for about 2 minutes before crawling after the dog's bone, the remote control, an empty water bottle, and a speck of paper on the floor.

Also during my absence, we got Corbin's 6 Month photos back. I will post some of those when I can get to my computer. Prepare to be in awe of the adorability. 

So pretty much I've just been doing my usual. Staying home, taking care of the babes... cooking, cleaning, being all domesticated. My Christmas shopping is complete. I almost have everything wrapped, and I can't wait for the big day! 

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