Thursday, December 20, 2012

8 Months!

Happy 8 months, Corbin! I cannot believe my tiny little 6 lb newborn is 2/3 of his way through his first year. I'm so thankful for his life and celebrating another day of it. But this mama's heart is still sad he's growing up so fast.

At 8 months, Corbin...

  • Crawls on hands and knees.
  • Pulls up to stand.
  • Picks up food and feed himself.
  • Babble talks a little.
  • Puts his arms out for me to take him.
  • Plays the "I don't see you... Oh there you are... Whoops I'm gonna hide my face again" game with people.
  • Sleeps 9-5.
  • Sleeps all night in his crib.
  • Eats 2-3 jars of baby food a day (Loves peas, carrots, squash, bananas, and even asparagus! Makes the worst face ever when you feed him green beans).
  • Drinks 20-24 oz of formula a day (4 or 5 four ounce bottles).
  • Plays games where he interacts directly with me, such as crawling away so I can't "get" him, crawling toward me to "get" me, and throwing himself on his back so I will tickle him.
  • Has two bottom teeth!
  • Would rather play with junk he finds under the couch than shiny new toys.
  • Loves bath time.
  • Will put his arms out to go to other people.
  • Loves to watch and play with big kids.
  • Still in love with me. Seriously. It's more serious than before. :) 
  • Wears 6-9 and 9 month clothes.  Has outgrown one or two 9 month items.
  • Wears size 3 shoes (well, almost).
  • Weighs almost 19 pounds!
  • Has the best smile of anyone I've ever seen!
  • I loves him :)
Tastes like chicken

Caught ya!
Just "hanging out"

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